August 2010 - JKC has completed a project development consultation with the Polar Epsilon 2 project, a Canadian Forces initiative to further improve the Canadian military’s space-based surveillance capability. Polar Epsilon 2 will build the ground based infrastructure to receive, process and use imagery from the Radarsat Constellation Mission satellites. Radarsat Constellation Mission, referred to as RCM, will include three synthetic aperture radar satellites that will be placed in near-earth orbit so as to view the entire globe. The RCM project is in its design phase and
is expected to be operational in the latter half of this decade. This is a Canadian, world leading, space-based
surveillance capability that is being developed by the Canadian Space Agency and the Canadian company
MacDonald Dettwiler (MDA). RCM and the Polar Epsilon 2 capability will support a wide variety of missions
including sovereignty surveillance of the Arctic.
JKC Partners with Borstad Associates on Hyperspectral Projects
JKC working in support of Borstad Associates recently completed two hyperspectral imagery projects that were aimed at helping the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) to define military requirements for future space based hyperspectral imaging systems. The first project, for CSA, looked specifically at detecting and classifying CBRN or Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear events while the second project, for DRDC, examined how maritime forces would use hyperspectral imaging satellites to support future surveillance operations.
JKC Develops Concept of Operations for the Canadian Military’s Polar Epsilon Satellite Program
JKC is helping the Canadian Forces (CF) break new ground in the use of commercial satellite imagery.
Working with the CF, JKC has developed operational specifications and concepts for Polar Epsilon that
will help surveillance commanders to support Canadian sovereignty surveillance and deployed operations
using commercially available satellite imagery. The Polar Epsilon Project is focusing on support to maritime surveillance missions in the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic approaches to Canada. The project also includes an
Arctic land surveillance mission. Both the Arctic land and maritime missions are gaining importance as
climate change makes this resource rich region more accessible to foreign incursions.